Ariel Kessler is a collector of stories. Her mixed media art encompasses lively, colorful imagery in a whimsical world. Inspired by memories and tales, she combines painting, collage, printmaking, photography, ceramics and other traditional art mediums to explore the breadth and depth of her work.

Instagram: @ariel.kessler

Pick up this print at ZONE 3


Born: Brookline, MA

Currently lives: Watertown, MA

Title of artwork: Harvest Moon

What’s it about? I am inspired by imaginary worlds, influenced by memories and storytelling. These ethereal landscapes come from a place of solitude and peace. My mountainscape work really accelerated in 2019 when I was living in Iceland as an artist in residence. I was surrounded by ocean, mountains, and fjords- tons of inspiration!

Where else can we find your work? On the weekends, you can find me selling and exhibiting at art festivals throughout the Northeast. You can also find my work at numerous local stores including Cambridge Artists Cooperative and Magpie in Somerville.

What have you learned about your creative practice over the last year? A common feeling I have about myself (and I am sure many others feel this way) is that when I create something it has to be a finished product. Since I do art full time, I often find myself forgetting that it’s okay to just go in my studio and play. I don’t do well under pressure- so when I put these expectations on my art, it never turns out well. I needed to practice giving myself room to grow and experiment without any expectations.

A piece of advice you would give to your pre-pandemic self: Be patient. It’s okay to not be inspired right now. Take care of yourself and those around you!I

Where is your favorite public art piece in the area? The Museum of Modern Renaissance in Somerville. The outside is amazing and the inside is a feast for the eyes! One of my favorite hidden gems.

What would your last meal be? Hummus from Shawarma King.

Go-to karaoke song? I am way too much of a chicken to ever do karaoke! But if I was forced to do it, probably anything by Salt-N-Pepa!

Last show you binge watched? How To with John Wilson- quirky, funny and thoughtful. I highly recommend!

Place in Allston/Brighton that you have missed the most? I started shopping at Urban Renewals when I was 14. It was really sad when they moved out of Allston!