Julia Madden is a illustrator and designer based in Boston, MA. She studied Illustration at MassArt. Julia loves using bold, bright colors and finds her inspiration from her natural surroundings and travels. When Julia is not creating, she can be found biking around the city or tending to her collection of plants.


Instagram: @julia_illustrations

Pick up this print at Zone 3


Born: Scituate

Currently lives: Boston, MA

Title of artwork: Hiking Club

What’s it about? It was inspired from my most recent hiking trip to Acadia. This has become my mini visual packing list for any day hiking trips.

Where else can we find your work? My website and instagram, which I need to do better posting on.

Where is your favorite public art piece in the area? Whaling Wall II in South Boston

What would your last meal be? Anything pasta.

Last show you binge watched? Currently rewatching Derry Girls

Go-to karaoke song? Anything ABBA.

Place in Allston/Brighton that you have missed the most? Love Art Udon.

What have you learned about your creative practice over the last year? I have a lot of appreciation for my drive to continuously produce work and to learn and grow more as an artist.

A piece of advice you would give to your pre-pandemic self? To enjoy any and every public event and space you can. Take advantage of the city events and clubs.