Kelsey Kassis is an illustrator and textile artist. She is graduating from Emmanuel College with a BFA in Graphic Design and Studio Art. Kelsey’s work is influenced by the complexities of identity, existing in a fat body, and creating a space for joy and healing.


Instagram: @kelseykassis

Pick up this print at Zone 3


Born: Western, MA

Currently lives: Allston / Brighton

Title of artwork: The Ripest Berry

What’s it about? I started working on this piece on one of those first spring days, when everything started to melt, the sun started to stay out later, and the strawberries from the grocery store were tasting a little sweeter than in winter.

Where else can we find your work? You can find my work on my instagram and my portfolio!

Where is your favorite public art piece in the area? Currently my favorite public art piece is Deborah Johnson’s “Big Heart Energy” ! It brings me so much joy when I walk by!

What would your last meal be? I think my last meal would probably be falafel with tabouli and rice.

Last show you binge watched? I recently rewatched all of My Hero Academia!

Go-to karaoke song? You and I by Fleetwood Mac.

Place in Allston/Brighton that you have missed the most? I’ve missed the skate park so much! So glad for sunnier days for skating.

What have you learned about your creative practice over the last year? I definitely learned to let myself have more fun with my art this year. I’m a lot sillier than I used to let myself be and I think my art has grown a lot from just letting go a bit.

A piece of advice you would give to your pre-pandemic self?  You aren’t a machine ! It’s okay to slow down, the world won’t end if you’re not your most productive self.