A celebration of public art featuring hands-on workshops by artists Kayla Myers and TECHNI

About the Program

After 5 wonderful years with the installation WE ALL illuminating The Grove, located at the intersection of Western Ave and N. Harvard Street, we’ve introduced the next iteration of inclusive public art. The Zone 3 Community Sketchbook, a program created in collaboration with Harvard University Planning and Design, reimagines the space as a new community asset where people can gather to learn new skills and express themselves artistically.

Kicking off with a full day event on Saturday, July 16, Boston-area artists Kayla Myers (aka GOLDLEMONS) and Christian Rodriguez (aka TECHNI), led the community through hands-on art making activities that contributed to two 100ft large-scale projects, aiming to keep the publicly accessible green space bright and active all summer long. With music from local musician Notebook P and treats from Swissbakers, this day of collaboration and creativity proved to be a fun lesson for all.

Make your mark on this ever-evolving space that will change from season to season.

This summer’s installation was just the first of a series of events. This fall we plan to turn the page on the sketchbook  with all new workshops that invite the community to learn more techniques and styles from local artists. Until then, we encourage you to stop by and have fun with the chalkboards and chalk markers on either side of the murals, there for community members and passersby to leave their mark at any time.

About the Artists

Questions? Suggestions? Interested in hosting a meet-up at the art wall?
Send us an email at info@zone3westernave.com